Small Things Make Huge Difference

Vrushabh Babariya
3 min readMar 13, 2021


21st century, the time to enhance in every aspect of own self, the time to knowing yourself, your ultimate potential.

Many simple things in routine life which can make huge impact on lifestyle standards.

“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different” — Coco chanel.

Grateful Nature

Grateful Nature

Gratitude is a magnet to life’s goodness — Carol Adamski

Being grateful for everything is the most beautiful characteristic of a person. Saying “Thanks” for everything you have, has the unbelievable power of attract the more.

In the movie named “The Secret” — Rhonda Byrne

John Grey sir has told “when his the wife praises in small small things, the husband do that more and effectively”

More grateful you are, the more positive results you attracts.

People will like your company, people will like to share their ideas, events, & especially their efforts. people will like to communicate with you.

Your compliments on their efforts matter a lot for them.

So, Start everyday with “Today i’m grateful”

Read Books

Read Books

Mark zuckerberg — “Books allow you to fully explore a topic and immerse yourself in a deeper way than most media today. I’m looking forward to shifting more of my media diet towards reading books.”

Now a days, mostly people use to use social media more & more and made smartphones as essential part of life.

George R. R. Martin says “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.”

Reading books are literally a good choice to enhance yourself, build yourself and maybe it’s essential part of life who seeks development in every era of own life.

Keep Journal

Keep Journal | Diary Writing | Daily diary |

Keeping journal is the 1st choice of most of billionaires and successful personalities.

Daily diary writing is the Mirror of yourself.

Daily dairy writing makes you :

Evaluator of your own self,

Motivator of your own self,

Sharp observer of your own life.

By keeping journal & Daily diary writing, you can find out your bad habits & also your good habits which helps you to develop & compare yourself day by day.

& whenever you read your diaries after some time, you can again live those days by get feel from each and every word which you have written.

Be Optimistic

Be Optimistic

Optimism doesn’t wait on facts. It deals with prospects. — Norman Cousins

Being optimistic is essential to achievement.

Being optimistic is like to see opportunities everywhere. Optimistic persons are the

most positive thinker & with full of energy which induces the energy in others.

People likes the company of optimistic person.

Self Confidence


Confidence and intelligence will never stop being beautiful. — Dau Voire

The person who wears confidence is never out of style.

Be confident enough to encourage confidence in others.

Self confidence is the key to success. Your eyes are the reflection of your spirit.

Be confident | Be different |

So these all are the simple things which makes huge difference in persona.

Grateful nature |

Read books |

Keeping journal | Daily diary |

Be optimistic |

Self-confidence |

Thank you!



Vrushabh Babariya

Founder of Victor Path & Hotfocus App | An Entrepreneur | Optimistic Human Being | Think before they think!